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TopDown Engine v4.3
Classes | |
class | AIAction |
Actions are behaviours and describe what your character is doing. Examples include patrolling, shooting, jumping, etc. More... | |
class | AIActionPropertyInspector |
class | AIActionsList |
class | AIBrain |
the AI brain is responsible from going from one state to the other based on the defined transitions. It's basically just a collection of states, and it's where you'll link all the actions, decisions, states and transitions together. More... | |
class | AIBrainEditor |
class | AIDecision |
Decisions are components that will be evaluated by transitions, every frame, and will return true or false. Examples include time spent in a state, distance to a target, or object detection within an area. More... | |
class | AIState |
A State is a combination of one or more actions, and one or more transitions. An example of a state could be "_patrolling until an enemy gets in range_". More... | |
struct | AIStateEvent |
class | AITransition |
Transitions are a combination of one or more decisions and destination states whether or not these transitions are true or false. An example of a transition could be "_if an enemy gets in range, transition to the Shooting state_". More... | |
class | AITransitionPropertyInspector |
class | AITransitionsList |
class | Beat |
class | DictionaryStringSceneData |
A serializable class used to store scene data, the key is a string (the scene name), the value is a MMPersistencySceneData More... | |
class | DictionaryStringString |
A serializable class used to store object data, the key is a string (the object name), the value is a string (the object data) More... | |
class | EventRegister |
Static class that allows any class to start or stop listening to events | |
class | FloatController |
A class used to control a float in any other class, over time To use it, simply drag a monobehaviour in its target field, pick a control mode (ping pong or random), and tweak the settings More... | |
class | FloatControllerEditor |
Custom editor for the FloatController, conditional hiding and dropdown fill More... | |
class | FogSettings |
A simple class used to store fog properties More... | |
class | GameObjectExtensions |
Game object extensions | |
interface | IMMPersistent |
An interface classes that want to be saved by the MMPersistencyManager need to implement More... | |
interface | IMMSaveLoadManagerMethod |
An interface to implement save and load using different methods (binary, json, etc) More... | |
class | LayermaskExtensions |
Layermask Extensions | |
class | LightController |
A class used to control the intensity of a light More... | |
class | ListExtensions |
List extensions | |
class | MMAchievement |
struct | MMAchievementChangedEvent |
class | MMAchievementList |
A scriptable object containing a list of achievements. You need to create one and store it in a Resources folder for this to work. More... | |
class | MMAchievementListInspector |
Custom inspector for the MMAchievementList scriptable object. More... | |
class | MMAchievementManager |
This static class is in charge of storing the current state of the achievements, unlocking/locking them, and saving them to data files | |
class | MMAchievementMenu |
class | MMAchievementRules |
That class is meant to be extended to implement the achievement rules specific to your game. More... | |
struct | MMAchievementUnlockedEvent |
An event type used to broadcast the fact that an achievement has been unlocked More... | |
class | MMActivationOnStart |
Use this class to enable or disable other gameobjects automatically on Start or Awake More... | |
class | MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManager |
A class to load scenes using a loading screen instead of just the default API This is a new version of the classic LoadingSceneManager (now renamed to MMSceneLoadingManager for consistency) More... | |
class | MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManagerSettings |
A simple class used to store additive loading settings More... | |
class | MMAim |
class | MMAnimationCurveGenerator |
This class will let you create and save a .curves asset in the specified path This asset will include curves (anti or not) from the MMTween library, to use anywhere animation curves are required More... | |
class | MMAnimationCurves |
class | MMAnimationModifier |
Add this script to an animation in Mecanim and you'll be able to control its start position and speed More... | |
class | MMAnimationParameter |
A helper class that will hash a animation parameter and update it on demand More... | |
class | MMAnimatorExtensions |
Animator extensions | |
class | MMAnimatorMirror |
This class will let you mirror the behaviour of an Animator's parameters on a Source Animator onto the ones of a Target Animator. Target will mirror Source. Only the parameters existing on both Target and Source will be considered, you'll need to have the same on both before entering runtime. More... | |
class | MMApplicationPlatformActivation |
Add this class to a gameobject, and it'll enable/disable it based on platform context, using Application.platform to detect the platform More... | |
class | MMApplicationQuit |
A super simple mono you can add to an object to call its Quit method, which will force the application to quit. More... | |
class | MMArray |
Array helpers More... | |
class | MMArrayExtensions |
Array extensions | |
class | MMAspectRatioSafeZones |
A class to handle the automatic display of safe zones for the different ratios setup in the inspector More... | |
class | MMAspectRatioSafeZonesEditor |
Custom editor for the MMScreenSafeZones component More... | |
class | MMAudioAnalyzer |
This component lets you pick an audio source (either global : the whole scene's audio, a unique source, or the microphone), and will cut it into chunks that you can then use to emit beat events, that other objects can consume and act upon. The sample interval is the frequency at which sound will be analyzed, the amount of spectrum samples will determine the accuracy of the sampling, the window defines the method used to reduce leakage, and the number of bands will determine in how many bands you want to cut the sound. The more bands, the more levers you'll have to play with afterwards. In general, for all of these settings, higher values mean better quality and lower performance. The buffer speed determines how fast buffered band levels readjust. More... | |
class | MMAudioEvents |
class | MMAudioListener |
A simple component that will ensure (if put on ALL audio listeners in your game) that you never see a "There are two audio listeners in the scene" warning again. More... | |
class | MMAutoDestroyParticleSystem |
Add this class to a ParticleSystem so it auto destroys once it has stopped emitting. Make sure your ParticleSystem isn't looping, otherwise this script will be useless More... | |
class | MMAutoExecution |
This simple class lets you trigger Unity events automatically, on Awake, Enable, Disable, Start, or on instantiate For that last one, you'll want to send a "OnInstantiate" message when instantiating this object More... | |
class | MMAutoExecutionItem |
A data class to store auto execution info to be used in MMAutoExecution More... | |
class | MMAutoOrderInLayer |
Add this component to an object to have it pick a new order in layer on start, useful to have unique sorting layer numbers More... | |
class | MMAutoRotate |
Add this class to a GameObject to make it rotate on itself More... | |
class | MMAutoRotateEditor |
Custom editor for the MMAutoRotate component More... | |
class | MMBackgroundColorAttribute |
class | MMBackgroundColorAttributeDrawer |
struct | MMBeatEvent |
An event you can listen to that will get automatically triggered for every remapped beat More... | |
class | MMBezierLineRenderer |
Add this class to a line renderer and it'll add control points that let you turn your line into a bezier curve More... | |
class | MMBillboard |
Add this class to an object (usually a sprite) and it'll face the camera at all times More... | |
class | MMBoundsExtensions |
Bounds helpers More... | |
class | MMCameraAspectRatio |
Forces an aspect ratio on a camera More... | |
class | MMCameraExtensions |
Camera extensions | |
class | MMCameraFog |
Add this class to a camera and it will override fog settings when active More... | |
class | MMChangeFogColor |
Adds this class to a UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.GlobalFog to change its color Why this is not native, I don't know. More... | |
class | MMCinemachineZone |
An abstract class that lets you define a zone that, when entered, enables a virtual camera, and takes care of all the boilerplate setup More... | |
class | MMCinemachineZone2D |
2D Implementation of the CinemachineZone abstract class More... | |
class | MMCinemachineZone3D |
3D Implementation of the CinemachineZone abstract class More... | |
class | MMCircularList |
A improved list that lets you parse it and automatically have it loop to the start or end when you reach the end or start To use it : set the CurrentIndex to whatever you want, then use IncrementCurrentIndex / DecrementCurrentIndex to move it, get the current element via Current More... | |
class | MMCleanEmptyFolders |
A maintenance class that removes all empty directories from a project via a menu item More... | |
class | MMCleanupMissingScripts |
This class lets you clean all missing scripts on a selection of gameobjects More... | |
class | MMColorAttribute |
class | MMColorAttributeDrawer |
class | MMColorExtensions |
Color extensions | |
class | MMColors |
Color helpers | |
class | MMConditionalActivation |
Add this component to a gameobject, and it'll let you enable target monos after all other targets have been disabled More... | |
class | MMConditionAttribute |
class | MMConditionAttributeDrawer |
class | MMConeOfVision |
This class will create a cone of vision defined by an angle and a distance around a point. It will look for targets within that field, and draw a mesh to show the cone of vision initially inspired by this great tutorial by Sebastian Lague : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQG9aUWarwE - check out his tutorials, they're amazing! More... | |
class | MMConeOfVision2D |
class | MMConeOfVision2DInspector |
class | MMConeOfVisionInspector |
class | MMConsole |
This class displays an on-screen console for easier debugging DO NOT ADD THIS CLASS AS A COMPONENT. Instead, use the MMDebug.DebugOnScreen methods that will take care of everything More... | |
class | MMCooldown |
A class to handle cooldown related properties and their resource consumption over time Remember to initialize it (once) and update it every frame from another class More... | |
class | MMCoroutine |
class | MMCursorVisible |
Add this class to an object and it'll make sure that the cursor is either visible or invisible More... | |
class | MMDButtonPressedEvent |
An event fired when a button gets pressed in a MMDebugMenu More... | |
class | MMDCheckboxFalseEvent |
class | MMDCheckboxPressedEvent |
class | MMDCheckboxTrueEvent |
class | MMDebug |
Debug helpers | |
class | MMDebugController |
Add this class to an empty object in your scene and it'll act as a point of control to enable or disable logs and debug draws More... | |
class | MMDebugEditor |
An editor class used to display menu items More... | |
class | MMDebugLogCommandArgumentCountAttribute |
An attribute to add to static methods to they can be called via the MMDebugMenu's command line More... | |
class | MMDebugLogCommandAttribute |
An attribute to add to static methods to they can be called via the MMDebugMenu's command line More... | |
struct | MMDebugMenuButtonEvent |
An event used to broadcast button events from a MMDebugMenu More... | |
class | MMDebugMenuButtonEventListener |
A class used to listen to button events from a MMDebugMenu More... | |
struct | MMDebugMenuCheckboxEvent |
An event used to broadcast checkbox events from a MMDebugMenu More... | |
class | MMDebugMenuCheckboxEventListener |
A class used to listen to events from a MMDebugMenu's checkbox More... | |
class | MMDebugMenuCommands |
Command lines to be run from the MMDebugMenu To add new ones, add the [MMDebugLogCommand] attribute to any static method More... | |
struct | MMDebugMenuSliderEvent |
An event used to broadcast slider events from a MMDebugMenu More... | |
class | MMDebugMenuSliderEventListener |
A class used to listen to slider events from a MMDebugMenu More... | |
class | MMDebugTouchDisplay |
Add this class to a canvas and it'll automatically reposition TouchPrefabs at the position of touches You can set a higher TouchProvision if your game gets more than the default number (6) simultaneous touches Disable/enable this mono for it to stop/work More... | |
class | MMDelayParticles |
MM delay particles. More... | |
class | MMDictionaryExtensions |
Dictionary extensions | |
class | MMDontDestroyOnLoad |
Add this component to an object and it'll persist across scenes More... | |
class | MMDoubleSpriteMask |
This setup uses two sprite masks, bound in the inspector, to enable one and then disable the other to mask specific parts of a level More... | |
class | MMDropdownAttribute |
class | MMDropdownAttributeDrawer |
class | MMDSliderValueChangedEvent |
class | MMEmmiterReceiver |
This component lets you very easily have one property drive the value of another property. To do so, drag the object with the property you want to "read" from into the Emitter Property slot, then select the component the property is on, and finally the property itself. Then drag the object with the property you want to "write" to into the ReceiverProperty slot, and pick the property you want to drive with the emitter's value. More... | |
class | MMEnumConditionAttribute |
An attribute to conditionnally hide fields based on the current selection in an enum. Usage : [MMEnumCondition("rotationMode", (int)RotationMode.LookAtTarget, (int)RotationMode.RotateToAngles)] More... | |
class | MMEnumConditionAttributeDrawer |
interface | MMEventListener |
A public interface you'll need to implement for each type of event you want to listen to. More... | |
interface | MMEventListenerBase |
Event listener basic interface More... | |
class | MMEventListenerWrapper |
class | MMEventManager |
This class handles event management, and can be used to broadcast events throughout the game, to tell one class (or many) that something's happened. Events are structs, you can define any kind of events you want. This manager comes with MMGameEvents, which are basically just made of a string, but you can work with more complex ones if you want. | |
class | MMExecutionOrderAttribute |
Add this attribute to a class and its Execution Order will be changed to the value specified in parameters Usage : [ExecutionOrder(66)] More... | |
class | MMFaceDirection |
Use this script to have a Transform automatically face a certain direction, whether its own movement direction, or a specific target Transform More... | |
struct | MMFadeEvent |
Events used to trigger faders on or off More... | |
struct | MMFadeInEvent |
struct | MMFadeOutEvent |
class | MMFader |
The Fader class can be put on an Image, and it'll intercept MMFadeEvents and turn itself on or off accordingly. More... | |
class | MMFaderDirectional |
The Fader class can be put on an Image, and it'll intercept MMFadeEvents and turn itself on or off accordingly. This specific fader will move from left to right, right to left, top to bottom or bottom to top More... | |
class | MMFaderRound |
The Fader class can be put on an Image, and it'll intercept MMFadeEvents and turn itself on or off accordingly. More... | |
struct | MMFadeStopEvent |
An event used to stop fades More... | |
class | MMFloatExtensions |
Float extensions | |
class | MMFollowTarget |
Add this component to an object and it'll get moved towards the target at update, with or without interpolation based on your settings More... | |
class | MMFPSUnlock |
Add this component to any object and it'll set the target frame rate and vsync count. Note that vsync count must be 0 for the target FPS to work. More... | |
struct | MMGameEvent |
MMGameEvents are used throughout the game for general game events (game started, game ended, life lost, etc.) More... | |
class | MMGameEventListener |
Add this component to an object, and it'll let you easily trigger UnityEvents when the event of the specified name is triggered More... | |
class | MMGeometry |
A helper class to handle geometry related operations | |
class | MMGizmo |
Add this component to an object and it'll let you display a gizmo for its position or collider, and an optional text More... | |
class | MMGizmoEditor |
a custom editor for the MMGizmo component More... | |
class | MMGridGenerator |
class | MMGridGeneratorFull |
Generates a grid of the specified size, either entirely full or empty More... | |
class | MMGridGeneratorPath |
Generates a grid with a path in the specified direction More... | |
class | MMGridGeneratorPerlinNoise |
Generates a grid of the specified size based on a seeded perlin noise, the smaller the seed, the blockier the grid More... | |
class | MMGridGeneratorPerlinNoiseGround |
Generates a grid with a ground floor More... | |
class | MMGridGeneratorRandom |
Generates a simple grid filled with random points More... | |
class | MMGridGeneratorRandomWalk |
Generates a grid with a path carved by a drunkard walk algorithm See http://pcg.wikidot.com/pcg-algorithm:drunkard-walk More... | |
class | MMGridGeneratorRandomWalkAvoider |
Generates a grid with a path carved by a drunkard walk algorithm that will avoid another grid's walls More... | |
class | MMGridGeneratorRandomWalkGround |
Uses random walk to generate a ground with controlled elevation More... | |
class | MMGroupSelection |
A class used to add a menu item and a shortcut to group objects together under a parent game object More... | |
class | MMGUI |
class | MMGyroCam |
A class used to store gyro properties per camera More... | |
class | MMGyroParallax |
Add this class to a camera rig (an empty object), bind some Cinemachine virtual cameras to it, and they'll move around the specified object as your gyro powered device moves More... | |
class | MMGyroscope |
class | MMHealthBar |
Add this component to an object and it will show a healthbar above it You can either use a prefab for it, or have the component draw one at the start More... | |
class | MMHelpers |
Various helpers | |
class | MMHiddenAttribute |
class | MMHiddenAttributeDrawer |
class | MMHiddenPropertiesAttribute |
class | MMImage |
Image helpers More... | |
class | MMInformationAttribute |
class | MMInput |
Input helpers More... | |
class | MMInputExecution |
A simple class used to bind target keys to specific events to trigger when the key is pressed or released More... | |
class | MMInputExecutionBinding |
A class used to store MMInputExecution bindings, associating a target keycode to UnityEvents More... | |
class | MMInspectorButtonAttribute |
class | MMInspectorButtonBarAttribute |
class | MMInspectorGroupAttribute |
An attribute used to group inspector fields under common dropdowns Implementation inspired by Rodrigo Prinheiro's work, available at https://github.com/RodrigoPrinheiro/unityFoldoutAttribute More... | |
class | MMInspectorGroupData |
struct | MMInterval |
interface | MMIStateMachine |
Public interface for the state machine. More... | |
class | MMLayer |
class | MMLayerPropertyDrawer |
class | MMLayers |
class | MMLineRendererCircle |
class | MMLineRendererDriver |
This component, added to a line renderer, will let you fill a list of transforms, and bind their positions to the linerenderer's positions. More... | |
class | MMLoadScene |
Add this component on an object, specify a scene name in its inspector, and call LoadScene() to load the desired scene. More... | |
class | MMLockInspector |
A simple class that lets you lock the current inspector by pressing ctrl (or cmd) + L Pressing the same shortcut again unlocks the More... | |
class | MMLoot |
A class defining the contents of a MMLootTable More... | |
class | MMLootFloat |
a MMLoot implementation for floats More... | |
class | MMLootGameObject |
a MMLoot implementation for gameobjects More... | |
class | MMLootString |
a MMLoot implementation for strings More... | |
class | MMLootTable |
A loot table helper that can be used to randomly pick objects out of a weighted list This design pattern was described in more details by Daniel Cook in 2014 in his blog : https://lostgarden.home.blog/2014/12/08/loot-drop-tables/ More... | |
class | MMLootTableFloat |
A MMLootTable implementation for floats More... | |
class | MMLootTableGameObject |
A MMLootTable implementation for GameObjects More... | |
class | MMLootTableGameObjectSO |
A scriptable object containing a MMLootTable definition for game objects More... | |
class | MMLootTableString |
A MMLootTable implementation for strings More... | |
class | MMMaths |
Math helpers | |
class | MMMenuHelp |
This class adds a MoreMountains entry in Unity's top menu, allowing to enable/disable the help texts from the engine's inspectors | |
class | MMMeshToPolygonCollider2D |
A class that lets you create polygon collider 2D out of mesh filters More... | |
class | MMMonoBehaviour |
class | MMMonoBehaviourFieldInfo |
class | MMMonoBehaviourUITKEditor |
class | MMMovement |
Movement helpers | |
class | MMMultipleObjectPooler |
This class allows you to have a pool of various objects to pool from. More... | |
class | MMMultipleObjectPoolerObject |
Multiple object pooler object. More... | |
class | MMNavMeshAreaMaskAttribute |
class | MMObjectBounds |
class | MMObjectPool |
class | MMObjectPooler |
A base class, meant to be extended depending on the use (simple, multiple object pooler), and used as an interface by the spawners. Still handles common stuff like singleton and initialization on start(). DO NOT add this class to a prefab, nothing would happen. Instead, add SimpleObjectPooler or MultipleObjectPooler. More... | |
struct | MMObservable |
This struct lets you declare observable properties. For example, let's say you have a class called Character, and you declare its speed like so : More... | |
class | MMObservableDemoObserver |
A test class used to demonstrate the MMObservable in the MMObservableTest demo scene More... | |
class | MMObservableDemoObserverAutoSleep |
A test class used to demonstrate the MMObservable pattern in the MMObservableDemo scene This one disables itself on Awake, and passively listens for changes, even when disabled More... | |
class | MMObservableDemoSubject |
A test class used to demonstrate how MMObservable works in the MMObservableTest demo scene More... | |
class | MMOffsetAnimation |
Use this class to offset an animation by a random range More... | |
class | MMOnMouse |
Attach this class to a collider and it'll let you trigger events when the user clicks/drags/enters/etc that collider More... | |
class | MMOpenURL |
A class used to open a URL specified in its inspector More... | |
class | MMOrbitalCamera |
A class used to make a camera orbit around a target More... | |
class | MMPanningTexture |
Use this class on a sprite or mesh to have its texture pan according to the specified speed You can also force a sorting layer name More... | |
class | MMParallaxUI |
Use this class to bind a number of UI layers to the movements of a mouse cursor, or a mobile device gyroscope, or even have it be piloted by another script By setting different speed/amplitude values for each of your UI layers, you'll be able to create a nice parallax effect More... | |
class | MMParentingOnStart |
This component lets you parent the transform you put it on to any target parent (or to the root if none is set), on Awake, Start or anytime you call its Parent() method More... | |
class | MMPath |
Add this component to an object and you'll be able to define a path, that can then be used by another component More... | |
class | MMPathMovement |
Add this component to an object and it'll be able to move along a path defined from its inspector. More... | |
class | MMPathMovementElement |
This class describes a node on an MMPath More... | |
class | MMPeriodicExecution |
This class will let you trigger a OnRandomInterval event periodically, at random intervals More... | |
struct | MMPersistenceEvent |
A data structure used to store persistence event data. To use : MMPersistencyEvent.Trigger(MMPersistencyEventType.DataLoadedFromFileToMemory, "yourPersistencyID"); More... | |
class | MMPersistenceManager |
Add this component to a scene and it'll let you save and load the state of objects that implement the IMMPersistent interface You can create your own classes that implement this interface, or use the MMPersistent class that comes with this package It will save their transform data (position, rotation, scale) and their active state Triggering save and load is done via events, and the manager also emits events every time data is loaded or saved More... | |
class | MMPersistenceManagerData |
A serializable class used to store all the data for a persistence manager, a collection of scene datas More... | |
class | MMPersistenceSceneData |
A serializable class used to store all the data for a scene, a collection of object datas More... | |
class | MMPersistent |
A persistent class that can save the essential parts of an object : its transform data (position, rotation, scale) and its active state This inherits from MMPersistentBase and implements the IMMPersistent interface It's a good example of how to implement the interface's OnSave and OnLoad methods More... | |
class | MMPersistentBase |
A base class implementing the IMMPersistent interface, designed to be extended This mostly takes care of the GUID generation and validation More... | |
class | MMPersistentHumbleSingleton |
Persistent humble singleton, basically a classic singleton but will destroy any other older components of the same type it finds on awake More... | |
class | MMPersistentSingleton |
Persistent singleton. More... | |
class | MMPlatformActivation |
Add this class to a gameobject, and it'll enable/disable it based on platform context, using conditional defintions to do so More... | |
class | MMPlaylist |
Use this class to play audiosources (usually background music but feel free to use that for anything) in sequence, with optional crossfade between songs More... | |
struct | MMPlaylistChangeEvent |
struct | MMPlaylistNewSongStartedEvent |
struct | MMPlaylistPauseEvent |
struct | MMPlaylistPitchMultiplierEvent |
struct | MMPlaylistPlayEvent |
This class stores all the info related to items in a playlist More... | |
struct | MMPlaylistPlayIndexEvent |
struct | MMPlaylistPlayNextEvent |
struct | MMPlaylistPlayPreviousEvent |
class | MMPlaylistRemote |
A class used to pilot a MMPlaylist More... | |
class | MMPlaylistSong |
struct | MMPlaylistStopEvent |
struct | MMPlaylistVolumeMultiplierEvent |
class | MMPlotter |
class | MMPlotterAxis |
class | MMPlotterEditor |
A custom editor displaying a foldable list of MMFeedbacks, a dropdown to add more, as well as test buttons to test your feedbacks at runtime More... | |
class | MMPlotterGenerator |
class | MMPoolableObject |
Add this class to an object that you expect to pool from an objectPooler. Note that these objects can't be destroyed by calling Destroy(), they'll just be set inactive (that's the whole point). More... | |
class | MMPositionRecorder |
Add this class on a Transform, and it'll record its position periodically The Positions array can then be read from anywhere to know where that object was in the past More... | |
class | MMPostProcessingMovingFilter |
struct | MMPostProcessingMovingFilterEvent |
An event used to move filters on and off a camera More... | |
class | MMPreventPassingThrough |
Prevents fast moving objects from going through colliders by casting a ray backwards after each movement More... | |
class | MMPreventPassingThrough2D |
Prevents fast moving objects from going through colliders by casting a ray backwards after each movement More... | |
class | MMPreventPassingThrough3D |
Prevents fast moving objects from going through colliders by casting a ray backwards after each movement More... | |
class | MMProgressBar |
Add this bar to an object and link it to a bar (possibly the same object the script is on), and you'll be able to resize the bar object based on a current value, located between a min and max value. See the HealthBar.cs script for a use case More... | |
class | MMProgressBarDemoAuto |
class | MMProperty |
class | MMPropertyEmitter |
A class used to pick a property, and remap its value for emission/broadcast More... | |
class | MMPropertyEmitterDrawer |
class | MMPropertyLink |
A class, meant to be extended, used to control a MMProperty and get/set its value More... | |
class | MMPropertyLinkBool |
Bool property setter More... | |
class | MMPropertyLinkColor |
Color property setter More... | |
class | MMPropertyLinkFloat |
Float property setter More... | |
class | MMPropertyLinkInt |
Int property setter More... | |
class | MMPropertyLinkQuaternion |
Quaternion property setter More... | |
class | MMPropertyLinkString |
String property setter More... | |
class | MMPropertyLinkVector2 |
Vector2 property setter More... | |
class | MMPropertyLinkVector3 |
Vector3 property setter More... | |
class | MMPropertyLinkVector4 |
class | MMPropertyPicker |
A class used to pick a property on a target object / component / scriptable object More... | |
class | MMPropertyPickerDrawer |
class | MMPropertyReceiver |
A class used to pick a property and modify its value More... | |
class | MMPropertyReceiverDrawer |
class | MMRadioBroadcaster |
A class used to broadcast a level to MMRadioReceiver(s), either directly or via events It can read from pretty much any value on any class More... | |
struct | MMRadioLevelEvent |
A struct event used to broadcast the level to channels More... | |
class | MMRadioReceiver |
A class used to receive level values from a MMRadioBroadcaster, and apply it to (almost) any value on any object More... | |
class | MMRadioSignal |
A class used to define a signal, meant to be broadcasted by a MMRadioBroadcaster It'll output a Level value to broadcast, using one time, persistent or driven modes Meant to be extended More... | |
class | MMRadioSignalAudioAnalyzer |
A class used to expose a beat level from a target MMAudioAnalyzer, to be broadcasted by a MMAudioBroadcaster More... | |
class | MMRadioSignalEditor |
class | MMRadioSignalGenerator |
A class used to generate signals, normalized values between 0 and 1 You can then use these values from a MMRadioBroadcaster, or simply evaluate its value to use wherever you want, like a supercharged animation curve. In that case, simply disable the component, and read from it using its Evaluate method More... | |
class | MMRadioSignalGeneratorEditor |
class | MMRadioSignalGeneratorItem |
A class used to store generator items and their properties More... | |
class | MMRadioSignalGeneratorItemList |
A reorderable list type used to store generator items More... | |
class | MMRadioSignalOnValueChange |
class | MMRagdoller |
Use this class to pilot a ragdoll on a character that is usually driven by an animator and have it fall elegantly If you have parts of your ragdoll that you don't want to be affected by this script (a weapon for example), just add a MMRagdollerIgnore component to them More... | |
class | MMRagdollerIgnore |
Add this class to objects you'd like to be unaffected by the MMRagdoller (like weapons for example) More... | |
class | MMRandomBoundsInstantiator |
This class lets you randomly spawn objects within its bounds (defined by a 3D collider) More... | |
class | MMRandomInstantiator |
Add this class to an empty object, bind a few prefabs into its RandomPool slots, and it'll instantiate one of them at its position/rotation on Start or Awake You can also call its InstantiateRandomObject method at any time, and it'll instantiate another random object on demand, potentially destroying the previous one if you decide so More... | |
class | MMReadOnlyAttribute |
class | MMReadOnlyAttributeDrawer |
class | MMReadOnlyWhenPlayingAttribute |
class | MMRectTransformExtensions |
RectTransform extensions | |
class | MMReferencedScriptableObject |
Auto-referenced ScriptableObject instances of type T An example usage for ReferenceHolder<T> that can be used with any class type More... | |
struct | MMReferenceHolder |
class | MMRendererLayerEditor |
class | MMRendererSortingLayer |
class | MMReorderableArray |
class | MMReorderableAttributeAttribute |
class | MMReorderableList |
class | MMRequiresConstantRepaintAttribute |
class | MMRequiresConstantRepaintOnlyWhenPlayingAttribute |
class | MMRigidbodyCenterOfMass |
Add this class to a Rigidbody or Rigidbody2D to be able to edit its center of mass from the inspector directly More... | |
class | MMRigidbodyInterface |
This class acts as an interface to allow the demo levels to work whether the environment (colliders, rigidbodies) are set as 2D or 3D. If you already know for sure that you're going for a 2D or 3D game, I suggest you replace the use of this class with the appropriate classes. More... | |
class | MMRuntimeParticleControl |
Add this class to a particle system at runtime, and it'll expose controls to play/pause/stop it from the inspector Because Unity's built-in controls somehow lack pause when in play mode More... | |
class | MMSaveLoadManager |
Allows the save and load of objects in a specific folder and file. | |
class | MMSaveLoadManagerEncrypter |
This class implements methods to encrypt and decrypt streams More... | |
class | MMSaveLoadManagerMethod |
This component, on Awake or on demand, will force a SaveLoadMethod on the MMSaveLoadManager, changing the way it saves data to file. This will impact all classes that use the MMSaveLoadManager (unless they change that method before saving or loading). If you change the method, your previously existing data files won't be compatible, you'll need to delete them and start with new ones. More... | |
class | MMSaveLoadManagerMethodBinary |
This save load method saves and loads files as binary files More... | |
class | MMSaveLoadManagerMethodBinaryEncrypted |
This save load method saves and loads files as encrypted binary files More... | |
class | MMSaveLoadManagerMethodJson |
class | MMSaveLoadManagerMethodJsonEncrypted |
class | MMSaveLoadMenu |
Adds a dedicated Tools menu into the top bar More Mountains entry to delete all saved data | |
class | MMSaveLoadTester |
A simple class used in the MMSaveLoadTestScene to test the MMSaveLoadManager class More... | |
class | MMSaveLoadTestObject |
A test object to store data to test the MMSaveLoadManager class More... | |
class | MMScene |
Scene management helpers More... | |
class | MMSceneLoadingAntiSpill |
This helper class, meant to be used by the MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManager, creates a temporary scene to store objects that might get instantiated, and empties it in the destination scene once loading is complete More... | |
class | MMSceneLoadingManager |
A class to load scenes using a loading screen instead of just the default API This class used to be known as LoadingSceneManager, and has now been renamed to MMSceneLoadingManager for consistency More... | |
class | MMSceneLoadingSpeedInterval |
A class used to define different interpolation speeds for specific progress intervals More... | |
class | MMSceneRestarter |
This component lets you restart a scene by pressing a key More... | |
class | MMSceneViewIcon |
Add this class to a gameobject and it'll display its name on the scene view, selected or not. More... | |
class | MMScreenshot |
Add this class to an empty game object in your scene and it'll let you take screenshots (meant to be used in Editor) More... | |
class | MMScreenshotEditor |
class | MMSelectionBase |
Add this component to an object and it'll always get selection in scene view, even if you select one of its children More... | |
class | MMSerializableDictionary |
A serializable dictionary implementation, as Unity still can't serialize Dictionaries natively More... | |
class | MMSerializedPropertyExtensions |
Serialized property extensions | |
struct | MMSfxEvent |
A struct used to trigger sounds More... | |
class | MMShufflebag |
A class to use to get more controlled randomness, taking values out of the bag randomly, and never getting them again. More... | |
class | MMSignal |
This class lets you output the value corresponding to one of the basic signal types it contains. Useful to draw basic signal curves. More... | |
class | MMSimpleObjectPooler |
A simple object pool outputting a single type of objects More... | |
class | MMSingleton |
Singleton pattern. More... | |
class | MMSMPlaylist |
class | MMSMPlaylistManager |
class | MMSMPlaylistSong |
A definition of a song, a part of a MMSM Playlist More... | |
class | MMSoundManager |
A simple yet powerful sound manager, that will let you play sounds with an event based approach and performance in mind. More... | |
struct | MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEvent |
This event will let you pause/play/stop/free all sounds playing through the MMSoundManager at once More... | |
class | MMSoundManagerAudioPool |
This class manages an object pool of audiosources More... | |
struct | MMSoundManagerEvent |
This event will let you trigger a save/load/reset on the MMSoundManager settings More... | |
struct | MMSoundManagerPlayOptions |
A class used to store options for MMSoundManager play More... | |
class | MMSoundManagerSettings |
This class stores MMSoundManager settings and lets you tweak them from the MMSoundManagerSettingsSO's inspector More... | |
class | MMSoundManagerSettingsSO |
A class to save sound settings (music on or off, sfx on or off) More... | |
struct | MMSoundManagerSound |
A simple struct used to store information about the sounds played by the MMSoundManager More... | |
struct | MMSoundManagerSoundControlEvent |
An event used to control a specific sound on the MMSoundManager. You can either search for it by ID, or directly pass an audiosource if you have it. More... | |
struct | MMSoundManagerSoundFadeEvent |
This event will let you pause More... | |
struct | MMSoundManagerSoundPlayEvent |
This event will let you play a sound on the MMSoundManager More... | |
struct | MMSoundManagerTrackEvent |
This feedback will let you mute, unmute, play, pause, stop, free or set the volume of a selected track More... | |
struct | MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent |
This event will let you order the MMSoundManager to fade an entire track's sounds' volume towards the specified FinalVolume More... | |
class | MMSpawnAround |
This static class is a spawn helper, useful to randomize position, rotation and scale when you need to instantiate objects | |
class | MMSpawnAroundProperties |
This class is used to describe spawn properties, to be used by the MMSpawnAround class. It's meant to be exposed and used by classes that are designed to spawn objects, typically loot systems More... | |
class | MMSpawnAroundTester |
A tester class used to show how the MMSpawnAround class can be used More... | |
class | MMSpeedTest |
Use this class to run performance tests in your code. It'll output the time spent between the StartTest and the EndTest calls Make sure to use a unique ID for both calls | |
struct | MMSpeedTestItem |
A struct to store data associated to speed tests More... | |
class | MMSpriteMask |
This class will automatically look for sprite renderers, particle systems, tilemaps in the scene, and change their SpriteMaskInteraction settings according to the one set in the inspector Use the NoMask tag on objects you don't want automatically setup More... | |
struct | MMSpriteMaskEvent |
An event type used to set a new size for the mask from any class More... | |
class | MMSquashAndStretch |
This component will automatically update scale and rotation Put it one level below the top, and have the model one level below that Hierarchy should be as follows : More... | |
struct | MMStateChangeEvent |
class | MMStateMachine |
StateMachine manager, designed with simplicity in mind (as simple as a state machine can be anyway). To use it, you need an enum. For example : public enum CharacterConditions { Normal, ControlledMovement, Frozen, Paused, Dead } Declare it like so : public StateMachine<CharacterConditions> ConditionStateMachine; Initialize it like that : ConditionStateMachine = new StateMachine<CharacterConditions>(); Then from anywhere, all you need to do is update its state when needed, like that for example : ConditionStateMachine.ChangeState(CharacterConditions.Dead); The state machine will store for you its current and previous state, accessible at all times, and will also optionnally trigger events on enter/exit of these states. More... | |
class | MMStayInPlace |
This class forces a transform to stay at a fixed position, rotation and/or scale. More... | |
class | MMStopMotionAnimation |
class | MMString |
String helpers | |
class | MMTilemap |
A collection of helper methods for interacting with Tilemaps More... | |
class | MMTilemapBoolean |
class | MMTilemapCleaner |
A super simple component you can add to a tilemap to get a button to clean it from all tiles More... | |
class | MMTilemapGenerator |
This class will fill a tilemap with the data generated by the combination of its layers More... | |
class | MMTilemapGeneratorEditor |
Custom editor for the MMTilemapGenerator, handles generate button and reorderable layers More... | |
class | MMTilemapGeneratorLayer |
A class used to store and edit the data of MMTilemapGenerator layers, which you can use and combine to generate unique and random grids More... | |
class | MMTilemapGeneratorLayerList |
A class used to display a reoderable list of MMTilemapGeneratorLayers More... | |
class | MMTilemapGridRenderer |
class | MMTilemapShadow |
A class to put on a tilemap so it acts as a shadow/copy of another reference tilemap. Useful for wall shadows for example. Offsetting the tilemap and changing its sorting order etc is done via the regular components More... | |
class | MMTime |
Time helpers More... | |
class | MMTimedActivation |
Add this component to an object and it'll be auto destroyed X seconds after its Start() More... | |
class | MMTimedDestruction |
Add this component to an object and it'll be auto destroyed X seconds after its Start() More... | |
class | MMToggleActive |
This very simple class simply exposes a method to toggle the GameObject it's on (or a target one if left empty in the inspector) active or inactive More... | |
class | MMTouchControls |
class | MMTrailRendererLayerEditor |
class | MMTrailRendererSortingLayer |
class | MMTransformRandomizer |
Add this component to an object to randomize its position/rotation/scale on demand or automatically More... | |
class | MMTransformRandomizerEditor |
Custom editor for the MMTransformRandomizer class More... | |
class | MMTriggerAndCollision |
class | MMTriggerAndCollisionEditor |
class | MMTriggerAndCollisionFilter |
class | MMTriggerFilter |
class | MMTween |
The formulas described here are (loosely) based on Robert Penner's easing equations http://robertpenner.com/easing/ More... | |
class | MMTweenDefinitions |
class | MMTweenType |
class | MMTweenTypeDrawer |
class | MMTwoSidedUI |
This class lets you define an axis on which to flip a "two sided" UI element (made of two separate and usually aligned objects, effectively turning each side on/off everytime the container's scale goes above/below a certain threshold More... | |
class | MMUIFollowMouse |
This component will let you have a UI object follow the mouse position More... | |
class | MMUIToolkit |
class | MMVector2Extensions |
Vector2 extensions | |
class | MMVector3Extensions |
Vector3 Extensions | |
class | MMVector4Extensions |
Vector4 Extensions | |
class | MMVectorAttribute |
class | MMVectorLabelsAttributeDrawer |
class | MMViewportEdgeTeleporter |
Add this class to an object and it will automatically teleport to the other end of the screen when reaching the screen's edges More... | |
class | MMVisibleParticle |
Adds this class to particles to force their sorting layer More... | |
class | MonoAttribute |
class | ObjectBoundsEditor |
class | PeaksSaver |
A static class used to save / load peaks once they've been computed | |
class | PlatformBindings |
A class used to store bindings More... | |
class | ProgressEvent |
class | RagdollBodyPart |
A class used to store ragdoll body parts informations More... | |
class | Ratio |
A class to store ratio display info More... | |
class | RectExtensions |
Rect extensions | |
class | RendererExtensions |
Renderer extensions | |
class | ReorderableDrawer |
class | SceneViewIconEditor |
This class adds names for each LevelMapPathElement next to it on the scene view, for easier setup More... | |
class | SelectionBase |
Add this component to an object and it'll always get selection in scene view, even if you select one of its children More... | |
class | SerializedMMAchievement |
A serializable class used to store an achievement into a save file More... | |
class | SerializedMMAchievementManager |
Serializable MM achievement manager. More... | |
class | TransformController |
A simple class used to control properties on a transform More... | |
class | TransformExtensions |
Transform extensions | |
Enumerations | |
enum | TriggerAndCollisionMask { IgnoreAll = 0 , OnTriggerEnter = 1 << 0 , OnTriggerStay = 1 << 1 , OnTriggerExit = 1 << 2 , OnCollisionEnter = 1 << 3 , OnCollisionStay = 1 << 4 , OnCollisionExit = 1 << 5 , OnTriggerEnter2D = 1 << 6 , OnTriggerStay2D = 1 << 7 , OnTriggerExit2D = 1 << 8 , OnCollisionEnter2D = 1 << 9 , OnCollisionStay2D = 1 << 10 , OnCollisionExit2D = 1 << 11 , OnAnyTrigger3D = OnTriggerEnter | OnTriggerStay | OnTriggerExit , OnAnyCollision3D = OnCollisionEnter | OnCollisionStay | OnCollisionExit , OnAnyTrigger2D = OnTriggerEnter2D | OnTriggerStay2D | OnTriggerExit2D , OnAnyCollision2D = OnCollisionEnter2D | OnCollisionStay2D | OnCollisionExit2D , OnAnyTrigger = OnAnyTrigger3D | OnAnyTrigger2D , OnAnyCollision = OnAnyCollision3D | OnAnyCollision2D , All_3D = OnAnyTrigger3D | OnAnyCollision3D , All_2D = OnAnyTrigger2D | OnAnyCollision2D , All = All_3D | All_2D } |
enum | MMBackgroundAttributeColor { Red , Pink , Orange , Yellow , Green , Blue , Violet , White } |
enum | MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEventTypes { Pause , Play , Stop , Free , FreeAllButPersistent , FreeAllLooping } |
enum | MMSoundManagerEventTypes { SaveSettings , LoadSettings , ResetSettings , SettingsLoaded } |
enum | MMSoundManagerSoundControlEventTypes { Pause , Resume , Stop , Free } |
enum | MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes { MuteTrack , UnmuteTrack , SetVolumeTrack , PlayTrack , PauseTrack , StopTrack , FreeTrack } |
enum | MMPoolingMethods { OriginalOrder , OriginalOrderSequential , RandomBetweenObjects , RandomPoolSizeBased } |
The various methods you can pull objects from the pool with More... | |
enum | MMPersistenceEventType { DataSavedToMemory , DataLoadedFromMemory , DataSavedFromMemoryToFile , DataLoadedFromFileToMemory } |
The various types of persistence events that can be triggered by the MMPersistencyManager More... | |
enum | MMSaveLoadManagerMethods { Json , JsonEncrypted , Binary , BinaryEncrypted } |
The possible methods to save and load files to and from disk available in the MMSaveLoadManager More... | |
enum | MMTweenDefinitionTypes { MMTween , AnimationCurve } |
enum | AchievementTypes { Simple , Progress } |
This achievement system supports 2 types of achievements : simple (do something > get achievement), and progress based (jump X times, kill X enemies, etc). More... | |