Add this component to an object and it'll let you define a sequence of charge steps, each triggering their own unique weapon, complete with options like input modes or conditional releases, hooks for every steps, and more. Useful for Megaman or Zelda like types of charge weapons.
override void | Initialization () |
| On init, we initialize our durations, weapons and reset the charge More...
virtual void | InitializeTotalDurations () |
| goes through all weapons to setup their total duration (the time from start after which their step is complete) More...
virtual void | ResetCharge () |
| resets the charge, reinitializing all counters More...
override void | TurnWeaponOn () |
| When the charge weapon gets activated, we start charging More...
override void | WeaponInputReleased () |
| When the charge weapon's input gets released, we stop charging More...
override void | FlipWeapon () |
| Flips the weapon. More...
virtual void | InitializeComboWeapons () |
| Initializes the combo weapon, if it's one More...
virtual void | SetOwner (Character newOwner, CharacterHandleWeapon handleWeapon) |
| Sets the weapon's owner More...
virtual void | WeaponInputStart () |
| Called by input, turns the weapon on More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponIdle () |
| If the weapon is idle, we reset the movement multiplier More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponStart () |
| When the weapon starts we switch to a delay or shoot based on our weapon's settings More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponDelayBeforeUse () |
| If we're in delay before use, we wait until our delay is passed and then request a shoot More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponUse () |
| On weapon use we use our weapon then switch to delay between uses More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponDelayBetweenUses () |
| When in delay between uses, we either turn our weapon off or make a shoot request More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponStop () |
| On weapon stop, we switch to idle More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponReloadNeeded () |
| If a reload is needed, we mention it and switch to idle More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponReloadStart () |
| on reload start, we reload the weapon and switch to reload More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponReload () |
| on reload, we reset our movement multiplier, and switch to reload stop once our reload delay has passed More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponReloadStop () |
| on reload stop, we swtich to idle and load our ammo More...
virtual void | CaseWeaponInterrupted () |
| on weapon interrupted, we turn our weapon off and switch back to idle More...
virtual void | Interrupt () |
| Call this method to interrupt the weapon More...
virtual IEnumerator | ShootRequestCo () |
| Determines whether or not the weapon can fire More...
virtual void | ShootRequest () |
virtual void | WeaponUse () |
| When the weapon is used, plays the corresponding sound More...
virtual void | WeaponInputStop () |
| Called by input, turns the weapon off if in auto mode More...
virtual void | TurnWeaponOff () |
| Turns the weapon off. More...
virtual void | ReloadNeeded () |
| Describes what happens when the weapon needs a reload More...
virtual void | InitiateReloadWeapon () |
| Initiates a reload More...
virtual IEnumerator | WeaponDestruction () |
| Destroys the weapon More...
virtual void | ApplyOffset () |
| Applies the offset specified in the inspector More...
virtual void | InitializeAnimatorParameters () |
| Adds required animator parameters to the animator parameters list if they exist More...
virtual void | UpdateAnimator () |
| Override this to send parameters to the character's animator. This is called once per cycle, by the Character class, after Early, normal and Late process(). More...
List< ChargeWeaponStep > | Weapons |
| the list of weapons that make up this charge weapon's sequence of steps More...
ReleaseModes | ReleaseMode = ReleaseModes.OnInputRelease |
| whether this weapon should trigger its attack when all steps are done charging, or when input gets released More...
TimescaleModes | TimescaleMode = TimescaleModes.Scaled |
| whether this weapon's input should run on scaled or unscaled time More...
bool | AllowInitialShot = true |
| whether or not the start of the charge should trigger the first step's weapon's attack or not More...
int | CurrentChargeIndex = 0 |
| the current charge index in the Weapons step list More...
bool | Charging = false |
| whether this weapon is currently charging or not More...
string | WeaponName |
| the name of the weapon, only used for debugging More...
bool | WeaponCurrentlyActive = true |
| whether or not the weapon is currently active More...
bool | InputAuthorized = true |
| if this is true, this weapon will be able to read input (usually via the CharacterHandleWeapon ability), otherwise player input will be disabled More...
TriggerModes | TriggerMode = TriggerModes.Auto |
| is this weapon on semi or full auto ? More...
float | DelayBeforeUse = 0f |
| the delay before use, that will be applied for every shot More...
bool | DelayBeforeUseReleaseInterruption = true |
| whether or not the delay before used can be interrupted by releasing the shoot button (if true, releasing the button will cancel the delayed shot) More...
float | TimeBetweenUses = 1f |
| the time (in seconds) between two shots
bool | TimeBetweenUsesReleaseInterruption = true |
| whether or not the time between uses can be interrupted by releasing the shoot button (if true, releasing the button will cancel the time between uses) More...
bool | UseBurstMode = false |
| if this is true, the weapon will activate repeatedly for every shoot request More...
int | BurstLength = 3 |
| the amount of 'shots' in a burst sequence More...
float | BurstTimeBetweenShots = 0.1f |
| the time between shots in a burst sequence (in seconds) More...
bool | MagazineBased = false |
| whether or not the weapon is magazine based. If it's not, it'll just take its ammo inside a global pool More...
int | MagazineSize = 30 |
| the size of the magazine More...
bool | AutoReload |
| if this is true, pressing the fire button when a reload is needed will reload the weapon. Otherwise you'll need to press the reload button More...
bool | NoInputReload = false |
| if this is true, reload will automatically happen right after the last bullet is shot, without the need for input More...
float | ReloadTime = 2f |
| the time it takes to reload the weapon More...
int | AmmoConsumedPerShot = 1 |
| the amount of ammo consumed everytime the weapon fires More...
bool | AutoDestroyWhenEmpty |
| if this is set to true, the weapon will auto destroy when there's no ammo left More...
float | AutoDestroyWhenEmptyDelay = 1f |
| the delay (in seconds) before weapon destruction if empty More...
bool | PreventReloadIfAmmoEmpty = false |
| if this is true, the weapon won't try and reload if the ammo is empty, when using WeaponAmmo More...
int | CurrentAmmoLoaded = 0 |
| the current amount of ammo loaded inside the weapon More...
Vector3 | WeaponAttachmentOffset = |
| an offset that will be applied to the weapon once attached to the center of the WeaponAttachment transform. More...
bool | FlipWeaponOnCharacterFlip = true |
| should that weapon be flipped when the character flips? More...
Vector3 | RightFacingFlipValue = new Vector3(1, 1, 1) |
| the FlipValue will be used to multiply the model's transform's localscale on flip. Usually it's -1,1,1, but feel free to change it to suit your model's specs More...
Vector3 | LeftFacingFlipValue = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1) |
| the FlipValue will be used to multiply the model's transform's localscale on flip. Usually it's -1,1,1, but feel free to change it to suit your model's specs More...
Transform | WeaponUseTransform |
| a transform to use as the spawn point for weapon use (if null, only offset will be considered, otherwise the transform without offset) More...
bool | WeaponShouldFlip = true |
| if this is true, the weapon will flip to match the character's orientation More...
Transform | LeftHandHandle |
| the transform to which the character's left hand should be attached to More...
Transform | RightHandHandle |
| the transform to which the character's right hand should be attached to More...
bool | ModifyMovementWhileAttacking = false |
| if this is true, a multiplier will be applied to movement while the weapon is active More...
float | MovementMultiplier = 0f |
| the multiplier to apply to movement while attacking More...
bool | PreventAllMovementWhileInUse = false |
| if this is true all movement will be prevented (even flip) while the weapon is active More...
bool | PreventAllAimWhileInUse = false |
| if this is true all aim will be prevented while the weapon is active More...
float | RecoilForce = 0f |
| the force to apply to push the character back when shooting - positive values will push the character back, negative values will launch it forward, turning that recoil into a thrust More...
List< Animator > | Animators |
| the other animators (other than the Character's) that you want to update every time this weapon gets used More...
bool | PerformAnimatorSanityChecks = false |
| If this is true, sanity checks will be performed to make sure animator parameters exist before updating them. Turning this to false will increase performance but will throw errors if you're trying to update non existing parameters. Make sure your animator has the required parameters. More...
bool | MirrorCharacterAnimatorParameters = false |
| if this is true, the weapon's animator(s) will mirror the animation parameter of the owner character (that way your weapon's animator will be able to "know" if the character is walking, jumping, etc) More...
int | WeaponAnimationID = 0 |
| the ID of the weapon to pass to the animator More...
string | IdleAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon's idle animation parameter : this will be true all the time except when the weapon is being used More...
string | StartAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon's start animation parameter : true at the frame where the weapon starts being used More...
string | DelayBeforeUseAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon's delay before use animation parameter : true when the weapon has been activated but hasn't been used yet More...
string | SingleUseAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon's single use animation parameter : true at each frame the weapon activates (shoots) More...
string | UseAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon's in use animation parameter : true at each frame the weapon has started firing but hasn't stopped yet More...
string | DelayBetweenUsesAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon's delay between each use animation parameter : true when the weapon is in use More...
string | StopAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon stop animation parameter : true after a shot and before the next one or the weapon's stop More...
string | ReloadStartAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon reload start animation parameter More...
string | ReloadAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon reload animation parameter More...
string | ReloadStopAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon reload end animation parameter More...
string | WeaponAngleAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon's angle animation parameter More...
string | WeaponAngleRelativeAnimationParameter |
| the name of the weapon's angle animation parameter, adjusted so it's always relative to the direction the character is currently facing More...
string | EquippedAnimationParameter |
| the name of the parameter to send to true as long as this weapon is equipped, used or not. While all the other parameters defined here are updated by the Weapon class itself, and passed to the weapon and character, this one will be updated by CharacterHandleWeapon only." More...
string | InterruptedAnimationParameter |
| the name of the parameter to send to true when the weapon gets interrupted. While all the other parameters defined here are updated by the Weapon class itself, and passed to the weapon and character, this one will be updated by CharacterHandleWeapon only." More...
MMFeedbacks | WeaponStartMMFeedback |
| the feedback to play when the weapon starts being used More...
MMFeedbacks | WeaponUsedMMFeedback |
| the feedback to play while the weapon is in use More...
MMFeedbacks | WeaponUsedMMFeedbackAlt |
| if set, this feedback will be used randomly instead of WeaponUsedMMFeedback More...
MMFeedbacks | WeaponStopMMFeedback |
| the feedback to play when the weapon stops being used More...
MMFeedbacks | WeaponReloadMMFeedback |
| the feedback to play when the weapon gets reloaded More...
MMFeedbacks | WeaponReloadNeededMMFeedback |
| the feedback to play when the weapon gets reloaded More...
MMFeedbacks | WeaponReloadImpossibleMMFeedback |
| the feedback to play when the weapon can't reload as there's no more ammo available. You'll need PreventReloadIfAmmoEmpty to be true for this to work More...
bool | InitializeOnStart = false |
| If this is true, the weapon will initialize itself on start, otherwise it'll have to be init manually, usually by the CharacterHandleWeapon class. More...
bool | Interruptable = false |
| whether or not this weapon can be interrupted More...
bool | Flipped |
| if true, the weapon is flipped More...
MMStateMachine< WeaponStates > | WeaponState |
| the weapon's state machine More...
Add this component to an object and it'll let you define a sequence of charge steps, each triggering their own unique weapon, complete with options like input modes or conditional releases, hooks for every steps, and more. Useful for Megaman or Zelda like types of charge weapons.