TopDown Engine v4.3
MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager Class Reference

This persistent singleton handles the inputs and sends commands to the player. IMPORTANT : this script's Execution Order MUST be -100. You can define a script's execution order by clicking on the script's file and then clicking on the Execution Order button at the bottom right of the script's inspector. See for more details More...

Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager:
MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< InputManager > MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManager MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManagerBase< T > MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManagerEventsBased

Public Types

enum  InputForcedModes { None , Mobile , Desktop }
 the possible modes for this input manager More...
enum  MovementControls { Joystick , Arrows }
 the possible kinds of control used for movement More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void ControlsModeDetection ()
 Turns mobile controls on or off depending on what's been defined in the inspector, and what target device we're on More...
virtual void ProcessButtonStates ()
 Called at LateUpdate(), this method processes the button states of all registered buttons More...
virtual void SetMovement ()
 Called every frame, if not on mobile, gets primary movement values from input More...
virtual void SetSecondaryMovement ()
 Called every frame, if not on mobile, gets secondary movement values from input More...
virtual void SetMovement (Vector2 movement)
 If you're using a touch joystick, bind your main joystick to this method More...
virtual void SetCameraRotation (Vector2 movement)
 This method lets you bind a mobile joystick to camera rotation More...
virtual void SetSecondaryMovement (Vector2 movement)
 If you're using a touch joystick, bind your secondary joystick to this method More...
virtual void SetHorizontalMovement (float horizontalInput)
 If you're using touch arrows, bind your left/right arrows to this method More...
virtual void SetVerticalMovement (float verticalInput)
 If you're using touch arrows, bind your secondary down/up arrows to this method More...
virtual void SetSecondaryHorizontalMovement (float horizontalInput)
 If you're using touch arrows, bind your secondary left/right arrows to this method More...
virtual void SetSecondaryVerticalMovement (float verticalInput)
 If you're using touch arrows, bind your down/up arrows to this method More...
virtual void SetCamera (Camera targetCamera, bool camera3D)
 Sets an associated camera, used to rotate input based on camera position More...
virtual void SetCameraRotationInput (float newValue)
 Sets the current camera rotation input, which you'll want to keep between -1 (left) and 1 (right), 0 being no rotation More...
virtual Vector2 ApplyCameraRotation (Vector2 input)
 Rotates input based on camera orientation More...
virtual void ForceAllButtonStatesTo (MMInput.ButtonStates newState)
 Lets you force the state of all buttons in the InputManager to the one specified in parameters More...
virtual void JumpButtonDown ()
virtual void JumpButtonPressed ()
virtual void JumpButtonUp ()
virtual void DashButtonDown ()
virtual void DashButtonPressed ()
virtual void DashButtonUp ()
virtual void CrouchButtonDown ()
virtual void CrouchButtonPressed ()
virtual void CrouchButtonUp ()
virtual void RunButtonDown ()
virtual void RunButtonPressed ()
virtual void RunButtonUp ()
virtual void ReloadButtonDown ()
virtual void ReloadButtonPressed ()
virtual void ReloadButtonUp ()
virtual void InteractButtonDown ()
virtual void InteractButtonPressed ()
virtual void InteractButtonUp ()
virtual void ShootButtonDown ()
virtual void ShootButtonPressed ()
virtual void ShootButtonUp ()
virtual void SecondaryShootButtonDown ()
virtual void SecondaryShootButtonPressed ()
virtual void SecondaryShootButtonUp ()
virtual void PauseButtonDown ()
virtual void PauseButtonPressed ()
virtual void PauseButtonUp ()
virtual void TimeControlButtonDown ()
virtual void TimeControlButtonPressed ()
virtual void TimeControlButtonUp ()
virtual void SwitchWeaponButtonDown ()
virtual void SwitchWeaponButtonPressed ()
virtual void SwitchWeaponButtonUp ()
virtual void SwitchCharacterButtonDown ()
virtual void SwitchCharacterButtonPressed ()
virtual void SwitchCharacterButtonUp ()

Public Attributes

bool InputDetectionActive = true
 set this to false to prevent the InputManager from reading input More...
bool ResetButtonStatesOnFocusLoss = true
 if this is true, button states will be reset on focus loss - when clicking outside the player window on PC, for example More...
string PlayerID = "Player1"
 a string identifying the target player(s). You'll need to set this exact same string on your Character, and set its type to Player More...
bool AutoMobileDetection = true
 if this is set to true, the InputManager will try to detect what mode it should be in, based on the current target device More...
InputForcedModes InputForcedMode
 use this to force desktop (keyboard, pad) or mobile (touch) mode More...
bool ForceWeaponMode = false
 if this is true, the weapon mode will be forced to the selected WeaponForcedMode More...
WeaponAim.AimControls WeaponForcedMode
 use this to force a control mode for weapons More...
bool HideMobileControlsInEditor = false
 if this is true, mobile controls will be hidden in editor mode, regardless of the current build target or the forced mode More...
MovementControls MovementControl = MovementControls.Joystick
 use this to specify whether you want to use the default joystick or arrows to move your character More...
bool ForceDesktopIfPrimaryAxisActive = false
 if this is true, the mobile controls will be hidden when the primary desktop axis is active, and the input manager will switch to desktop inputs More...
bool DelayedButtonPresses = false
 if this is true, button state changes are offset by one frame (usually useful on Android) More...
bool AutoRevertToMobileIfPrimaryAxisInactive
 if this is true, the system will revert to mobile controls if the primary axis is inactive for more than AutoRevertToMobileIfPrimaryAxisInactiveDuration More...
float AutoRevertToMobileIfPrimaryAxisInactiveDuration = 10f
 the duration, in seconds, after which the system will revert to mobile controls if the primary axis is inactive More...
bool SmoothMovement =true
 If set to true, acceleration / deceleration will take place when moving / stopping. More...
Vector2 Threshold = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.4f)
 the minimum horizontal and vertical value you need to reach to trigger movement on an analog controller (joystick for example) More...
bool RotateInputBasedOnCameraDirection = false
 if this is true, any directional input coming into this input manager will be rotated to align with the current camera orientation More...

Protected Member Functions

override void Awake ()
 On Awake we run our pre-initialization More...
virtual void Start ()
 On Start we look for what mode to use, and initialize our axis and buttons More...
virtual void PreInitialization ()
 Initializes buttons and axis More...
virtual void Initialization ()
 On init we auto detect control schemes More...
virtual void InitializeButtons ()
 Initializes the buttons. If you want to add more buttons, make sure to register them here. More...
virtual void InitializeAxis ()
 Initializes the axis strings. More...
virtual void LateUpdate ()
 On LateUpdate, we process our button states More...
virtual void Update ()
 At update, we check the various commands and update our values and states accordingly. More...
virtual void TestPrimaryAxis ()
virtual void GetLastNonNullValues ()
 Gets the last non null values for both primary and secondary axis More...
virtual void GetInputButtons ()
 If we're not on mobile, watches for input changes, and updates our buttons states accordingly More...
IEnumerator DelayButtonPress (MMInput.IMButton button)
 A coroutine that changes the pressed state one frame later More...
IEnumerator DelayButtonRelease (MMInput.IMButton button)
 A coroutine that changes the pressed state one frame later More...
virtual void SetShootAxis ()
 Called every frame, if not on mobile, gets shoot axis values from input More...
virtual void SetCameraRotationAxis ()
 Grabs camera rotation input and stores it More...
void OnApplicationFocus (bool hasFocus)
 If we lose focus, we reset the states of all buttons More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< InputManager >
virtual void InitializeSingleton ()
 Initializes the singleton. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static void InitializeStatics ()
 Statics initialization to support enter play modes More...

Protected Attributes

Camera _targetCamera
bool _camera3D
float _cameraAngle
List< MMInput.IMButtonButtonList
Vector2 _primaryMovement =
Vector2 _secondaryMovement =
float _cameraRotationInput = 0f
string _axisHorizontal
string _axisVertical
string _axisSecondaryHorizontal
string _axisSecondaryVertical
string _axisShoot
string _axisShootSecondary
string _axisCamera
float _primaryAxisActiveTimestamp


virtual bool IsMobile [getprotected set]
 if this is true, we're currently in mobile mode More...
virtual bool IsPrimaryAxisActive [getprotected set]
virtual MMInput.IMButton JumpButton [getprotected set]
 the jump button, used for jumps and validation More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton RunButton [getprotected set]
 the run button More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton DashButton [getprotected set]
 the dash button More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton CrouchButton [getprotected set]
 the crouch button More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton ShootButton [getprotected set]
 the shoot button More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton InteractButton [getprotected set]
 the activate button, used for interactions with zones More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton SecondaryShootButton [getprotected set]
 the shoot button More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton ReloadButton [getprotected set]
 the reload button More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton PauseButton [getprotected set]
 the pause button More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton TimeControlButton [getprotected set]
 the time control button More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton SwitchCharacterButton [getprotected set]
 the button used to switch character (either via model or prefab switch) More...
virtual MMInput.IMButton SwitchWeaponButton [getprotected set]
 the switch weapon button More...
virtual MMInput.ButtonStates ShootAxis [getprotected set]
 the shoot axis, used as a button (non analogic) More...
virtual MMInput.ButtonStates SecondaryShootAxis [getprotected set]
 the shoot axis, used as a button (non analogic) More...
virtual Vector2 PrimaryMovement [get]
 the primary movement value (used to move the character around) More...
virtual Vector2 SecondaryMovement [get]
 the secondary movement (usually the right stick on a gamepad), used to aim More...
virtual Vector2 LastNonNullPrimaryMovement [getset]
 the primary movement value (used to move the character around) More...
virtual Vector2 LastNonNullSecondaryMovement [getset]
 the secondary movement (usually the right stick on a gamepad), used to aim More...
virtual float CameraRotationInput [get]
 the camera rotation axis input value More...
virtual float CameraAngle [get]
 the current camera angle More...
virtual Vector2 MousePosition [get]
 the position of the mouse More...
- Properties inherited from MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< InputManager >
static bool HasInstance [get]
static T Current [get]
static T Instance [get]
 Singleton design pattern More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< InputManager >
static T TryGetInstance ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< InputManager >
static T _instance

Detailed Description

This persistent singleton handles the inputs and sends commands to the player. IMPORTANT : this script's Execution Order MUST be -100. You can define a script's execution order by clicking on the script's file and then clicking on the Execution Order button at the bottom right of the script's inspector. See for more details

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ InputForcedModes

the possible modes for this input manager


◆ MovementControls

the possible kinds of control used for movement


Member Function Documentation

◆ ApplyCameraRotation()

virtual Vector2 MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ApplyCameraRotation ( Vector2  input)

Rotates input based on camera orientation


◆ Awake()

override void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.Awake ( )

◆ ControlsModeDetection()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ControlsModeDetection ( )

Turns mobile controls on or off depending on what's been defined in the inspector, and what target device we're on

◆ CrouchButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.CrouchButtonDown ( )

◆ CrouchButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.CrouchButtonPressed ( )

◆ CrouchButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.CrouchButtonUp ( )

◆ DashButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.DashButtonDown ( )

◆ DashButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.DashButtonPressed ( )

◆ DashButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.DashButtonUp ( )

◆ DelayButtonPress()

IEnumerator MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.DelayButtonPress ( MMInput.IMButton  button)

A coroutine that changes the pressed state one frame later


◆ DelayButtonRelease()

IEnumerator MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.DelayButtonRelease ( MMInput.IMButton  button)

A coroutine that changes the pressed state one frame later


◆ ForceAllButtonStatesTo()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ForceAllButtonStatesTo ( MMInput.ButtonStates  newState)

Lets you force the state of all buttons in the InputManager to the one specified in parameters


◆ GetInputButtons()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.GetInputButtons ( )

If we're not on mobile, watches for input changes, and updates our buttons states accordingly

Reimplemented in MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManager, MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManagerBase< T >, and MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManagerEventsBased.

◆ GetLastNonNullValues()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.GetLastNonNullValues ( )

Gets the last non null values for both primary and secondary axis

◆ Initialization()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.Initialization ( )

On init we auto detect control schemes

Reimplemented in MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManager.

◆ InitializeAxis()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.InitializeAxis ( )

Initializes the axis strings.

◆ InitializeButtons()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.InitializeButtons ( )

Initializes the buttons. If you want to add more buttons, make sure to register them here.

◆ InitializeStatics()

static void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.InitializeStatics ( )

Statics initialization to support enter play modes

◆ InteractButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.InteractButtonDown ( )

◆ InteractButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.InteractButtonPressed ( )

◆ InteractButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.InteractButtonUp ( )

◆ JumpButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.JumpButtonDown ( )

◆ JumpButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.JumpButtonPressed ( )

◆ JumpButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.JumpButtonUp ( )

◆ LateUpdate()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.LateUpdate ( )

On LateUpdate, we process our button states

◆ OnApplicationFocus()

void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.OnApplicationFocus ( bool  hasFocus)

If we lose focus, we reset the states of all buttons


◆ PauseButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.PauseButtonDown ( )

◆ PauseButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.PauseButtonPressed ( )

◆ PauseButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.PauseButtonUp ( )

◆ PreInitialization()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.PreInitialization ( )

Initializes buttons and axis

◆ ProcessButtonStates()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ProcessButtonStates ( )

Called at LateUpdate(), this method processes the button states of all registered buttons

◆ ReloadButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ReloadButtonDown ( )

◆ ReloadButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ReloadButtonPressed ( )

◆ ReloadButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ReloadButtonUp ( )

◆ RunButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.RunButtonDown ( )

◆ RunButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.RunButtonPressed ( )

◆ RunButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.RunButtonUp ( )

◆ SecondaryShootButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SecondaryShootButtonDown ( )

◆ SecondaryShootButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SecondaryShootButtonPressed ( )

◆ SecondaryShootButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SecondaryShootButtonUp ( )

◆ SetCamera()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetCamera ( Camera  targetCamera,
bool  camera3D 

Sets an associated camera, used to rotate input based on camera position


◆ SetCameraRotation()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetCameraRotation ( Vector2  movement)

This method lets you bind a mobile joystick to camera rotation


◆ SetCameraRotationAxis()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetCameraRotationAxis ( )

◆ SetCameraRotationInput()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetCameraRotationInput ( float  newValue)

Sets the current camera rotation input, which you'll want to keep between -1 (left) and 1 (right), 0 being no rotation


◆ SetHorizontalMovement()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetHorizontalMovement ( float  horizontalInput)

If you're using touch arrows, bind your left/right arrows to this method


◆ SetMovement() [1/2]

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetMovement ( )

Called every frame, if not on mobile, gets primary movement values from input

Reimplemented in MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManager, MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManagerBase< T >, and MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManagerEventsBased.

◆ SetMovement() [2/2]

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetMovement ( Vector2  movement)

If you're using a touch joystick, bind your main joystick to this method


◆ SetSecondaryHorizontalMovement()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetSecondaryHorizontalMovement ( float  horizontalInput)

If you're using touch arrows, bind your secondary left/right arrows to this method


◆ SetSecondaryMovement() [1/2]

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetSecondaryMovement ( )

Called every frame, if not on mobile, gets secondary movement values from input

Reimplemented in MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManager, MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManagerBase< T >, and MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManagerEventsBased.

◆ SetSecondaryMovement() [2/2]

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetSecondaryMovement ( Vector2  movement)

If you're using a touch joystick, bind your secondary joystick to this method


◆ SetSecondaryVerticalMovement()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetSecondaryVerticalMovement ( float  verticalInput)

If you're using touch arrows, bind your down/up arrows to this method


◆ SetShootAxis()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetShootAxis ( )

◆ SetVerticalMovement()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SetVerticalMovement ( float  verticalInput)

If you're using touch arrows, bind your secondary down/up arrows to this method


◆ ShootButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ShootButtonDown ( )

◆ ShootButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ShootButtonPressed ( )

◆ ShootButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ShootButtonUp ( )

◆ Start()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.Start ( )

On Start we look for what mode to use, and initialize our axis and buttons

◆ SwitchCharacterButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SwitchCharacterButtonDown ( )

◆ SwitchCharacterButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SwitchCharacterButtonPressed ( )

◆ SwitchCharacterButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SwitchCharacterButtonUp ( )

◆ SwitchWeaponButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SwitchWeaponButtonDown ( )

◆ SwitchWeaponButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SwitchWeaponButtonPressed ( )

◆ SwitchWeaponButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SwitchWeaponButtonUp ( )

◆ TestPrimaryAxis()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.TestPrimaryAxis ( )

◆ TimeControlButtonDown()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.TimeControlButtonDown ( )

◆ TimeControlButtonPressed()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.TimeControlButtonPressed ( )

◆ TimeControlButtonUp()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.TimeControlButtonUp ( )

◆ Update()

virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.Update ( )

At update, we check the various commands and update our values and states accordingly.

Reimplemented in MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManager, and MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputSystemManagerBase< T >.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _axisCamera

string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._axisCamera

◆ _axisHorizontal

string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._axisHorizontal

◆ _axisSecondaryHorizontal

string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._axisSecondaryHorizontal

◆ _axisSecondaryVertical

string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._axisSecondaryVertical

◆ _axisShoot

string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._axisShoot

◆ _axisShootSecondary

string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._axisShootSecondary

◆ _axisVertical

string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._axisVertical

◆ _camera3D

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._camera3D

◆ _cameraAngle

float MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._cameraAngle

◆ _cameraRotationInput

float MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._cameraRotationInput = 0f

◆ _primaryAxisActiveTimestamp

float MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._primaryAxisActiveTimestamp

◆ _primaryMovement

Vector2 MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._primaryMovement =

◆ _secondaryMovement

Vector2 MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._secondaryMovement =

◆ _targetCamera

Camera MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager._targetCamera

◆ AutoMobileDetection

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.AutoMobileDetection = true

if this is set to true, the InputManager will try to detect what mode it should be in, based on the current target device

◆ AutoRevertToMobileIfPrimaryAxisInactive

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.AutoRevertToMobileIfPrimaryAxisInactive

if this is true, the system will revert to mobile controls if the primary axis is inactive for more than AutoRevertToMobileIfPrimaryAxisInactiveDuration

◆ AutoRevertToMobileIfPrimaryAxisInactiveDuration

float MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.AutoRevertToMobileIfPrimaryAxisInactiveDuration = 10f

the duration, in seconds, after which the system will revert to mobile controls if the primary axis is inactive

◆ ButtonList

List<MMInput.IMButton> MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ButtonList

◆ DelayedButtonPresses

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.DelayedButtonPresses = false

if this is true, button state changes are offset by one frame (usually useful on Android)

◆ ForceDesktopIfPrimaryAxisActive

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ForceDesktopIfPrimaryAxisActive = false

if this is true, the mobile controls will be hidden when the primary desktop axis is active, and the input manager will switch to desktop inputs

◆ ForceWeaponMode

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ForceWeaponMode = false

if this is true, the weapon mode will be forced to the selected WeaponForcedMode

◆ HideMobileControlsInEditor

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.HideMobileControlsInEditor = false

if this is true, mobile controls will be hidden in editor mode, regardless of the current build target or the forced mode

◆ InputDetectionActive

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.InputDetectionActive = true

set this to false to prevent the InputManager from reading input

◆ InputForcedMode

InputForcedModes MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.InputForcedMode

use this to force desktop (keyboard, pad) or mobile (touch) mode

◆ MovementControl

MovementControls MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.MovementControl = MovementControls.Joystick

use this to specify whether you want to use the default joystick or arrows to move your character

◆ PlayerID

string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.PlayerID = "Player1"

a string identifying the target player(s). You'll need to set this exact same string on your Character, and set its type to Player

◆ ResetButtonStatesOnFocusLoss

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ResetButtonStatesOnFocusLoss = true

if this is true, button states will be reset on focus loss - when clicking outside the player window on PC, for example

◆ RotateInputBasedOnCameraDirection

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.RotateInputBasedOnCameraDirection = false

if this is true, any directional input coming into this input manager will be rotated to align with the current camera orientation

◆ SmoothMovement

bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SmoothMovement =true

If set to true, acceleration / deceleration will take place when moving / stopping.

◆ Threshold

Vector2 MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.Threshold = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.4f)

the minimum horizontal and vertical value you need to reach to trigger movement on an analog controller (joystick for example)

◆ WeaponForcedMode

WeaponAim.AimControls MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.WeaponForcedMode

use this to force a control mode for weapons

Property Documentation

◆ CameraAngle

virtual float MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.CameraAngle

the current camera angle

◆ CameraRotationInput

virtual float MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.CameraRotationInput

the camera rotation axis input value

◆ CrouchButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.CrouchButton
getprotected set

the crouch button

◆ DashButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.DashButton
getprotected set

the dash button

◆ InteractButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.InteractButton
getprotected set

the activate button, used for interactions with zones

◆ IsMobile

virtual bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.IsMobile
getprotected set

if this is true, we're currently in mobile mode

◆ IsPrimaryAxisActive

virtual bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.IsPrimaryAxisActive
getprotected set

◆ JumpButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.JumpButton
getprotected set

the jump button, used for jumps and validation

◆ LastNonNullPrimaryMovement

virtual Vector2 MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.LastNonNullPrimaryMovement

the primary movement value (used to move the character around)

◆ LastNonNullSecondaryMovement

virtual Vector2 MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.LastNonNullSecondaryMovement

the secondary movement (usually the right stick on a gamepad), used to aim

◆ MousePosition

virtual Vector2 MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.MousePosition

the position of the mouse

◆ PauseButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.PauseButton
getprotected set

the pause button

◆ PrimaryMovement

virtual Vector2 MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.PrimaryMovement

the primary movement value (used to move the character around)

◆ ReloadButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ReloadButton
getprotected set

the reload button

◆ RunButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.RunButton
getprotected set

the run button

◆ SecondaryMovement

virtual Vector2 MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SecondaryMovement

the secondary movement (usually the right stick on a gamepad), used to aim

◆ SecondaryShootAxis

virtual MMInput.ButtonStates MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SecondaryShootAxis
getprotected set

the shoot axis, used as a button (non analogic)

◆ SecondaryShootButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SecondaryShootButton
getprotected set

the shoot button

◆ ShootAxis

virtual MMInput.ButtonStates MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ShootAxis
getprotected set

the shoot axis, used as a button (non analogic)

◆ ShootButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.ShootButton
getprotected set

the shoot button

◆ SwitchCharacterButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SwitchCharacterButton
getprotected set

the button used to switch character (either via model or prefab switch)

◆ SwitchWeaponButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.SwitchWeaponButton
getprotected set

the switch weapon button

◆ TimeControlButton

virtual MMInput.IMButton MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.InputManager.TimeControlButton
getprotected set

the time control button

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