Add this ability to a Character and it'll be part of a pool of characters in a scene to swap from. You'll need a CharacterSwapManager in your scene for this to work.
int | Order = 0 |
| the order in which this character should be picked More...
string | PlayerID = "Player1" |
| the playerID to put back in the Character class once this character gets swapped More...
bool | ResetAIBrainOnSwap = true |
| if this is true, the AI Brain (if there's one on this character) will reset on swap More...
AudioClip | AbilityStartSfx |
| the sound fx to play when the ability starts More...
AudioClip | AbilityInProgressSfx |
| the sound fx to play while the ability is running More...
AudioClip | AbilityStopSfx |
| the sound fx to play when the ability stops More...
MMFeedbacks | AbilityStartFeedbacks |
| the feedbacks to play when the ability starts More...
MMFeedbacks | AbilityStopFeedbacks |
| the feedbacks to play when the ability stops More...
bool | AbilityPermitted = true |
| if true, this ability can perform as usual, if not, it'll be ignored. You can use this to unlock abilities over time for example More...
CharacterStates.MovementStates[] | BlockingMovementStates |
| an array containing all the blocking movement states. If the Character is in one of these states and tries to trigger this ability, it won't be permitted. Useful to prevent this ability from being used while Idle or Swimming, for example. More...
CharacterStates.CharacterConditions[] | BlockingConditionStates |
| an array containing all the blocking condition states. If the Character is in one of these states and tries to trigger this ability, it won't be permitted. Useful to prevent this ability from being used while dead, for example. More...
Weapon.WeaponStates[] | BlockingWeaponStates |
| an array containing all the blocking weapon states. If one of the character's weapons is in one of these states and yet the character tries to trigger this ability, it won't be permitted. Useful to prevent this ability from being used while attacking, for example. More...
AbilityEvent | OnAbilityStart |
AbilityEvent | OnAbilityStop |
override void | Initialization () |
| On init, we grab our character type and playerID and store them for later More...
virtual void | Awake () |
| On awake we proceed to pre initializing our ability More...
virtual void | Start () |
| On Start(), we call the ability's intialization More...
virtual void | PreInitialization () |
| A method you can override to have an initialization before the actual initialization More...
virtual void | BindAnimator () |
| Binds the animator from the character and initializes the animator parameters More...
virtual void | InitializeAnimatorParameters () |
| Adds required animator parameters to the animator parameters list if they exist More...
virtual void | InternalHandleInput () |
| Internal method to check if an input manager is present or not More...
virtual void | HandleInput () |
| Called at the very start of the ability's cycle, and intended to be overridden, looks for input and calls methods if conditions are met More...
virtual void | RegisterAnimatorParameter (string parameterName, AnimatorControllerParameterType parameterType, out int parameter) |
| Registers a new animator parameter to the list More...
virtual void | OnRespawn () |
| Override this to describe what should happen to this ability when the character respawns More...
virtual void | OnDeath () |
| Override this to describe what should happen to this ability when the character respawns More...
virtual void | OnHit () |
| Override this to describe what should happen to this ability when the character takes a hit More...
virtual void | OnEnable () |
| On enable, we bind our respawn delegate More...
virtual void | OnDisable () |
| On disable, we unbind our respawn delegate More...
Add this ability to a Character and it'll be part of a pool of characters in a scene to swap from. You'll need a CharacterSwapManager in your scene for this to work.
◆ Current()
virtual bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.CharacterSwap.Current |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
Returns true if this character is the currently active swap character
- Returns
◆ Initialization()
override void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.CharacterSwap.Initialization |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ ResetCharacterSwap()
virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.CharacterSwap.ResetCharacterSwap |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
Called when another character replaces this one as the active one, resets its type and player ID and kills its input
◆ SwapToThisCharacter()
virtual void MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.CharacterSwap.SwapToThisCharacter |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
◆ _savedCharacterType
◆ _savedPlayerID
string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.CharacterSwap._savedPlayerID |
protected |
◆ Order
int MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.CharacterSwap.Order = 0 |
the order in which this character should be picked
◆ PlayerID
string MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.CharacterSwap.PlayerID = "Player1" |
the playerID to put back in the Character class once this character gets swapped
◆ ResetAIBrainOnSwap
bool MoreMountains.TopDownEngine.CharacterSwap.ResetAIBrainOnSwap = true |
if this is true, the AI Brain (if there's one on this character) will reset on swap
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- E:/Github/Store/TopDownEngine/Assets/TopDownEngine/Common/Scripts/Characters/CharacterAbilities/CharacterSwap.cs