Add this script to a trigger collider2D or collider to teleport objects from that object to its destination
bool | OnlyAffectsPlayer = true |
| if true, this won't teleport non player characters More...
Vector3 | ExitOffset |
| the offset to apply when exiting this teleporter More...
TeleportationModes | TeleportationMode = TeleportationModes.Instant |
| the selected teleportation mode More...
MMTween.MMTweenCurve | TweenCurve = MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInCubic |
| the curve to apply to the teleportation tween More...
bool | MaintainXEntryPositionOnExit = false |
| whether or not to maintain the x value of the teleported object on exit More...
bool | MaintainYEntryPositionOnExit = false |
| whether or not to maintain the y value of the teleported object on exit More...
bool | MaintainZEntryPositionOnExit = false |
| whether or not to maintain the z value of the teleported object on exit More...
Teleporter | Destination |
| the teleporter's destination More...
bool | AddToDestinationIgnoreList = true |
CameraModes | CameraMode = CameraModes.TeleportCamera |
| the chosen camera mode More...
Room | CurrentRoom |
| the room this teleporter belongs to More...
Room | TargetRoom |
| the target room More...
bool | TriggerFade = false |
| if this is true, a fade to black will occur when teleporting More...
int | FaderID = 0 |
| the ID of the fader to target More...
MMTweenType | FadeTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInCubic) |
| the curve to use to fade to black More...
bool | FadeIgnoresTimescale = false |
| if this is true, fade events will ignore timescale More...
bool | MoveMask = true |
| whether or not we should ask to move a MMSpriteMask on activation More...
MMTween.MMTweenCurve | MoveMaskCurve = MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInCubic |
| the curve to move the mask along to More...
MMSpriteMaskEvent.MMSpriteMaskEventTypes | MoveMaskMethod = MMSpriteMaskEvent.MMSpriteMaskEventTypes.ExpandAndMoveToNewPosition |
| the method to move the mask More...
float | MoveMaskDuration = 0.2f |
| the duration of the mask movement (usually the same as the DelayBetweenFades More...
bool | FreezeTime = false |
| whether or not time should be frozen during the transition More...
bool | FreezeCharacter = true |
| whether or not the character should be frozen (input blocked) for the duration of the transition More...
TimeModes | TimeMode = TimeModes.Unscaled |
| the timescale to use for the teleport sequence More...
float | InitialDelay = 0.1f |
| the delay (in seconds) to apply before running the sequence More...
float | FadeOutDuration = 0.2f |
| the duration (in seconds) after the initial delay covering for the fade out of the scene More...
float | DelayBetweenFades = 0.3f |
| the duration (in seconds) to wait for after the fade out and before the fade in More...
float | FadeInDuration = 0.2f |
| the duration (in seconds) after the initial delay covering for the fade in of the scene More...
float | FinalDelay = 0.1f |
| the duration (in seconds) to apply after the fade in of the scene More...
ButtonActivatedRequirements | ButtonActivatedRequirement = ButtonActivatedRequirements.Either |
| if this is true, objects with a ButtonActivator class will be able to interact with this zone More...
bool | RequiresPlayerType = true |
| if this is true, this can only be activated by player Characters More...
bool | RequiresButtonActivationAbility = true |
| if this is true, this zone can only be activated if the character has the required ability More...
bool | Activable = true |
| if this is false, the zone won't be activable More...
bool | AutoActivation = false |
| if true, the zone will activate whether the button is pressed or not More...
float | AutoActivationDelay = 0f |
| the delay, in seconds, during which the character has to be within the zone to activate it More...
bool | AutoActivationDelayResetsOnExit = true |
| if this is true, exiting the zone will reset the auto activation delay More...
bool | CanOnlyActivateIfGrounded = false |
| if this is set to false, the zone won't be activable while not grounded More...
bool | ShouldUpdateState = true |
| Set this to true if you want the CharacterBehaviorState to be notified of the player's entry into the zone. More...
bool | OnlyOneActivationAtOnce = true |
| if this is true, enter won't be retriggered if another object enters, and exit will only be triggered when the last object exits More...
LayerMask | TargetLayerMask = ~0 |
| a layermask with all the layers that can interact with this specific button activated zone More...
bool | UnlimitedActivations = true |
| if this is set to false, your number of activations will be MaxNumberOfActivations More...
int | MaxNumberOfActivations = 0 |
| the number of times the zone can be interacted with More...
int | NumberOfActivationsLeft |
| the amount of remaining activations on this zone More...
float | DelayBetweenUses = 0f |
| the delay (in seconds) after an activation during which the zone can't be activated More...
bool | DisableAfterUse = false |
| if this is true, the zone will disable itself (forever or until you manually reactivate it) after its last use More...
InputTypes | InputType = InputTypes.Default |
| the selected input type (default, button or key) More...
string | InputButton = "Interact" |
| the selected button string used to activate this zone More...
KeyCode | InputKey = KeyCode.Space |
| the key used to activate this zone More...
string | AnimationTriggerParameterName |
| an (absolutely optional) animation parameter that can be triggered on the character when activating the zone
bool | UseVisualPrompt = true |
| if this is true, a prompt will be shown if setup properly More...
ButtonPrompt | ButtonPromptPrefab |
| the gameobject to instantiate to present the prompt More...
string | ButtonPromptText = "A" |
| the text to display in the button prompt More...
Color | ButtonPromptColor = MMColors.LawnGreen |
| the text to display in the button prompt More...
Color | ButtonPromptTextColor = MMColors.White |
| the color for the prompt's text More...
bool | AlwaysShowPrompt = true |
| If true, the "buttonA" prompt will always be shown, whether the player is in the zone or not. More...
bool | ShowPromptWhenColliding = true |
| If true, the "buttonA" prompt will be shown when a player is colliding with the zone. More...
bool | HidePromptAfterUse = false |
| If true, the prompt will hide after use. More...
Vector3 | PromptRelativePosition = |
| the position of the actual buttonA prompt relative to the object's center More...
Vector3 | PromptRotation = |
| the rotation of the actual buttonA prompt More...
MMFeedbacks | ActivationFeedback |
| a feedback to play when the zone gets activated More...
MMFeedbacks | DeniedFeedback |
| a feedback to play when the zone tries to get activated but can't More...
MMFeedbacks | EnterFeedback |
| a feedback to play when the zone gets entered
MMFeedbacks | ExitFeedback |
| a feedback to play when the zone gets exited
UnityEvent | OnActivation |
| a UnityEvent to trigger when this zone gets activated More...
UnityEvent | OnExit |
| a UnityEvent to trigger when this zone gets exited More...
UnityEvent | OnStay |
| a UnityEvent to trigger when a character is within the zone More...
virtual void | Awake () |
| On start we initialize our ignore list More...
virtual void | InitializeTeleporter () |
| Grabs the current room in the parent if needed More...
override void | TriggerEnter (GameObject collider) |
| Triggered when something enters the teleporter More...
virtual void | Teleport (GameObject collider) |
| Teleports whatever enters the portal to a new destination More...
virtual IEnumerator | TeleportSequence (GameObject collider) |
| Handles the teleport sequence (fade in, pause, fade out) More...
virtual void | SequenceStart (GameObject collider) |
| Describes the events happening before the initial fade in More...
virtual void | AfterInitialDelay (GameObject collider) |
| Describes the events happening after the initial delay has passed More...
virtual void | AfterFadeOut (GameObject collider) |
| Describes the events happening once the initial fade in is complete More...
virtual void | TeleportCollider (GameObject collider) |
| Teleports the object going through the teleporter, either instantly or by tween More...
virtual IEnumerator | TeleportTweenCo (GameObject collider, Vector3 origin, Vector3 destination) |
| Tweens the object from origin to destination More...
virtual void | AfterDelayBetweenFades (GameObject collider) |
| Describes the events happening after the pause between the fade in and the fade out More...
virtual void | AfterFadeIn (GameObject collider) |
| Describes the events happening after the fade in of the scene More...
virtual void | SequenceEnd (GameObject collider) |
| Describes the events happening after the fade out is complete, so at the end of the teleport sequence More...
virtual void | OnDrawGizmos () |
| On draw gizmos, we draw arrows to the target destination and target room if there are any More...
virtual void | OnEnable () |
| On Enable, we initialize our ButtonActivated zone More...
virtual void | OnDisable () |
| On disable we disable our input action if needed More...
virtual IEnumerator | TriggerButtonActionCo () |
virtual void | Update () |
virtual void | ActivateZone () |
| Activates the zone More...
virtual void | OnTriggerEnter2D (Collider2D collidingObject) |
| Handles enter collision with 2D triggers More...
virtual void | OnTriggerExit2D (Collider2D collidingObject) |
| Handles enter collision with 2D triggers More...
virtual void | OnTriggerEnter (Collider collidingObject) |
| Handles enter collision with 2D triggers More...
virtual void | OnTriggerExit (Collider collidingObject) |
| Handles enter collision with 2D triggers More...
virtual void | TriggerExit (GameObject collider) |
| Triggered when something exits the water More...
virtual bool | TestForLastObject (GameObject collider) |
| Tests if the object exiting our zone is the last remaining one More...
virtual bool | CheckConditions (GameObject collider) |
| Determines whether or not this zone should be activated More...
Add this script to a trigger collider2D or collider to teleport objects from that object to its destination