override bool | Equip (string playerID) |
| When we grab the weapon, we equip it More...
override bool | UnEquip (string playerID) |
| When dropping or unequipping a weapon, we remove it More...
virtual Inventory | TargetInventory (string playerID) |
| Gets the target inventory. More...
virtual Inventory | TargetEquipmentInventory (string playerID) |
| Gets the target equipment inventory. More...
virtual InventoryItem | Copy () |
| Copies an item into a new one More...
virtual GameObject | SpawnPrefab (string playerID) |
| Spawns the associated prefab More...
virtual bool | Pick (string playerID) |
| What happens when the object is picked - override this to add your own behaviors More...
virtual bool | Use (string playerID) |
| What happens when the object is used - override this to add your own behaviors More...
virtual void | Swap (string playerID) |
| What happens when the object gets swapped for another object More...
virtual bool | Drop (string playerID) |
| What happens when the object is dropped - override this to add your own behaviors More...
Weapon | EquippableWeapon |
| the weapon to equip More...
AutoEquipModes | AutoEquipMode = AutoEquipModes.NoAutoEquip |
| how to equip this weapon when picked : not equip it, automatically equip it, or only equip it if no weapon is currently equipped More...
int | HandleWeaponID = 1 |
| the ID of the CharacterHandleWeapon you want this weapon to be equipped to More...
string | ItemID |
| the (unique) ID of the item More...
string | TargetInventoryName = "MainInventory" |
| the inventory name into which this item will be stored More...
bool | ForceSlotIndex = false |
| if this is true, the item won't be added anywhere's there's room in the inventory, but instead at the specified TargetIndex slot More...
int | TargetIndex = 0 |
| if ForceSlotIndex is true, this is the index at which the item will be added in the target inventory More...
bool | Usable = false |
| whether or not this item can be "used" (via the Use method) - important, this is only the INITIAL state of this object, IsUsable is to be used anytime after that More...
bool | Consumable = true |
| if this is true, calling Use on that object will consume one unit of it More...
int | ConsumeQuantity = 1 |
| if this item is consumable, determines how many will be consumed per use (usually one) More...
bool | Equippable = false |
| whether or not this item can be equipped - important, this is only the INITIAL state of this object, IsEquippable is to be used anytime after that More...
bool | EquippableIfInventoryIsFull = true |
| whether or not this item can be equipped if its target inventory is full More...
bool | MoveWhenEquipped = true |
| if this is true, this item will be removed from its original inventory when equipped, and moved to its EquipmentInventory More...
bool | Droppable = true |
| if this is true, this item can be dropped More...
bool | CanMoveObject =true |
| if this is true, objects can be moved More...
bool | CanSwapObject =true |
| if this is true, objects can be swapped with another object More...
InventoryItemDisplayProperties | DisplayProperties |
| a set of properties defining whether or not to show inventory action buttons when that item is selected More...
int | Quantity = 1 |
| the base quantity of this item More...
string | ItemName |
| the name of the item - will be displayed in the details panel More...
string | ShortDescription |
| the item's short description to display in the details panel More...
string | Description |
| the item's long description to display in the details panel More...
Sprite | Icon |
| the icon that will be shown on the inventory's slot More...
GameObject | Prefab |
| the prefab to instantiate when the item is dropped More...
bool | ForcePrefabDropQuantity = false |
| if this is true, the quantity of the object will be forced to PrefabDropQuantity when dropped More...
int | PrefabDropQuantity = 1 |
| the quantity to force on the spawned item if ForcePrefabDropQuantity is true More...
MMSpawnAroundProperties | DropProperties |
| the minimal distance at which the object should be spawned when dropped More...
int | MaximumStack = 1 |
| If this object can be stacked (multiple instances in a single inventory slot), you can specify here the maximum size of that stack. More...
int | MaximumQuantity = 999999999 |
| the maximum quantity allowed of this item in the target inventory More...
ItemClasses | ItemClass |
| the class of the item More...
string | TargetEquipmentInventoryName |
| If this item is equippable, you can set here its target inventory name (for example ArmorInventory). Of course you'll need an inventory with a matching name in your scene. More...
AudioClip | EquippedSound |
| the sound the item should play when equipped (optional) More...
AudioClip | UsedSound |
| If this item can be used, you can set here a sound to play when it gets used, if you don't a default sound will be played. More...
AudioClip | MovedSound |
| the sound the item should play when moved (optional) More...
AudioClip | DroppedSound |
| the sound the item should play when dropped (optional) More...
bool | UseDefaultSoundsIfNull = true |
| if this is set to false, default sounds won't be used and no sound will be played More...
Weapon item in the TopDown Engine